OnBase Support and FAQ Sheet

Each ITC and district should designate an OnBase point of contact to act as first-tier support and intermediary between districts and HCCA. If you do not know your POC, please ask your supervisor.

If you have ideas for new processes or ways to improve current ones, please log a ticket and let us know what you would like to do - even if you aren't sure it's possible, it just might be!

Below is a list of links of the most common OnBase related calls.


Instances when you should log a ticket

Workflow Modifications

  • Please include an updated workflow spreadsheet with the changes highlighted. If new users are in the workflow, be sure to fill out the User Acess Form.

Add/Modify Document Group, Type, or Keyword

When a department needs additions or modifications, you can log a helpdesk ticket. Below is the information that is needed.

For new a Document Group:

  • What the Group is to be named;
  • Who may access it;
  • What Document Types it will contain.


For new a Document Type, find out:

  • What it is to be named;
  • Which Group it will fall under;
  • Who may access it;
  • What Keywords it will contain.


For new Keywords, find out:

  • What it is to be named;
  • What type of keyword it is (date, currency, number, alphanumeric, etc.);
  • What the maximum number of characters will be (for instance, you might want to limit first names to 20 characters)
  • Would masking be helpful? (for example, a SSN might be masked by automatically inserting hyphens 000-00-0000)
  • Would a dataset be helpful?
    • datasets force users to pick the keyword value from a pre-populated drop down list.
      • prevents typos and ensures keywords will be uniform for more reliable searching.
      • can be fixed, or can allow users to add new values.


Adding values to datasets, changing the names of Document Groups, Types and Keywords, can all be requested through the helpdesk. Just let us know the old name and what it should be changed to.


In order to provide user support, and to be aware of possible future solutions, the ITC or district POC should have a general understanding of general OnBase functions and features including:

Document workflows
Document import/scanning and indexing methods
Document retrieval
Case management capabilities
Online forms


Information and quick guides for these and other modules/processes can be found on the Videos and Resources and Modules pages.

The POC should also be familiar with the district's processes

Which package(s) are used by the district? (Student, Finance, HR)
Which OnBase modules do they utilize, and how are they used?
Which staff members have accounts and what types of access and rights do they, or should they have?